ARE GMOs Good or Bad? Here’s What the Research Shows

 1. If you’ve ever eaten a piece of fruit, a vegetable, or a packaged food made with corn or soy, it’s likely that you’ve eaten a genetically modified organism (GMO). These are foods that have been changed in a laboratory to have specific traits, like being pest-resistant or being able to grow in certain conditions.
2. Though GMOs have been around for a few decades, people are sometimes concerned about whether or not they’re safe to eat. So far, studies don’t show any health risks associated with eating genetically
modified foods, but there are still unknowns and concerns about their safety. Here, we’ll review what
GMOs are used for, some common concerns about them, and what the research says so far.
3. What are GMOs? GMOs are living beings that have had their DNA (genetic material) changed. This is done in a lab through a process called genetic engineering. With this process, scientists can move desirable genes from one plant, animal, or microorganism into another. This gives it new abilities and traits.

4. Here are some examples of genetic engineering used today in food:
• Apples that don’t turn brown when you cut them
• Potatoes that don’t bruise easily
• Corn that makes its own natural pesticide
• Papayas that resist the papaya ringspot virus
• Novelty pineapples that are pink instead of yellow

5. Genetic engineering itself isn’t new. In fact, people have been selectively breeding crops for centuries. Take seedless watermelon, for example, which is made by crossbreeding certain types of watermelons. What’s new is that genetic engineering is now more targeted (usually one or a few genes), and the new genes can come from an unrelated species.

6. What are GMOs used for? In the 1990s, the first GMO products were created and made available to consumers in the U.S.

7. Today, a few types of genetically engineered crops are grown in the U.S. And some specific GMO crops are a large part of those total crops. For example, GMO soybeans make up about 95% of all soybean crops. GMOs are also used to make some textiles (from genetically modified cotton) and medicines (more on that later).

8. What are some benefits of GMOs? Some of the potential benefits of GMOs include:
• Food that tastes better
• More nutritious crops, such as golden rice
• Crops that need less pesticides, water, or fertilizers
• Plants that are resistant to different diseases
• Less costly food and drug production
• Foods with longer shelf lives
• Foods with specific, desirable traits
• Greater food security

9. Which foods most often contain GMOs? In the U.S., about 95% of soybeans and more than 90% of all corn, canola, and sugar beets are genetically modified. Many foods contain ingredients made from GMOs. Here are the main food GMO products in the U.S.:
• Corn syrup (used as a sweetener) and cornstarch
• Soybean, corn, and canola oils
• Sugar from sugar beets
• Alfalfa (used as feed for cattle)
• Apples and papayas
• Potatoes and summer squash

10. Are GMOs used in medications?
Yes. Some medications are made using genetic engineering (the process used to create GMOs).
11. In the U.S., the first genetically engineered medication was human insulin (used to treat diabetes). Sincethen, many drugs and biopharmaceuticals, including different vaccines and biologics, have been made

with this technology.
12. Are GMOs good or bad for your health?
There have been many questions about how GMOs affect your health. Some people worry about GMOs
because they think that changing the way fruits and vegetables grow might make them unsafe to eat. Let’s
review some of the common concerns and what the research says so far.
13. Why do some people think GMOs are bad for your health?
There are different concerns about the effects of genetically modified foods on human health. Some
common ones (which haven’t been proven) include possible:
• Changes in the nutritional content of food
• Toxic effects on the body
• Allergic reactions
• Effects on pregnancy and offspring
• Genetic changes that cause cancer
14. Are there any proven health risks associated with GMOs?
Many studies have looked at the effects of GMOs on health, and no definitive health risks have been

15. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine did one of the most comprehensive
studies. They evaluated almost 900 different research reports and heard from various speakers and the
public. They didn’t find any evidence that the available GMO crops were harmful to health.

16. It’s important to note that this report was about the currently used genetically modified crops and not about all GMOs. Each new GMO product needs to be evaluated for its own risks and benefits. Also, long-term human studies haven’t looked at the effects of GMO foods yet.

17. Some other major health organizations have also stated that there’s no good evidence that genetically modified foods and crops are unsafe, including the:
• World Health Organization
• American Cancer Society
• American Medical Association
• American Association for the Advancement of Science

18. Even though current research doesn’t show that GMOs cause health risks, some consumers and
scientists still have concerns that the long-term safety of GMOs isn’t proven.

19. Are GMO foods bad for the environment?
Another concern about GMOs is how they affect the environment.

20. In the U.S., most corn, cotton, and soy are genetically modified to resist insects and reduce the need for weed-killing chemicals (herbicides). Glyphosate is a popular herbicide that some health organizations have labeled a “probable carcinogen.” But not all organizations agree. The use of these GMO crops has lowered the use of chemical insecticides. However, it has increased the use of weed killers, including glyphosate and others.

21. This has the potential to harm certain birds, insects, and other wildlife.

22. Another concern is monoculture. This is when one crop grows in the same place, year after year. This is different from rotating different crops in the same place. Monoculture is bad for soil health. It can also encourage pests that like that specific plant. GMOs are recognized as part of the problem of monoculture, but monoculture was present even before genetically modified crops were used.

23. Is it safe to have GMOs in your diet?
Yes, it seems to be safe to have GMOs in your diet. So far, studies show that eating GMO foods isn’t
harmful to your health. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your health, whether or not they’re GMOs.

24. Even with the information available so far, many people still choose to avoid eating GMO foods when possible. However, avoiding GMOs entirely can be hard. The ingredients from genetically modified crops — like cornstarch, corn syrup, and soybean oil — are in many of the foods people eat. This is especially the case with processed foods.

25. Non-GMO labeled foods can also be much more expensive. One study found that they can cost
consumers 10% to 62% more.

26. The takeaway here? Don’t let GMO concerns stand in the way of getting your 5 servings a day of fruits and veggies. After all, fruits and vegetables have many proven health benefits, and that’s true for those that are genetically modified as well.

27. How can you check if your food has GMOs?
Knowing what foods contain GMOs can be hard, but a recent U.S. law may soon make it easier.

28. In 2016, a law was passed that created a federal standard for labeling foods made with GMOs. Starting in 2022, food manufacturers must label products that contain genetically modified food ingredients (which are defined by the Department of Agriculture). This can be done by using a text label or symbol, a toll-free
 for consumers to call, or a code consumers can scan with their smartphones.

29. Some GMO-containing foods may be exempt from this labeling because they don’t contain detectable amounts of genetic material, like refined sugars and oils from corn and soybeans.

30. If you’re trying to avoid GMO products, there are ways you can check if they’re in your foods.

31. Here are some things to look for:
• The “Non-GMO Project” label, which is a third-party verification program
• Food with the “Bioengineered” symbol, text, or other disclosure that it has GMO ingredients
• The “USDA Organic” label, which prohibits the use of GMO products
• Products that have ingredients of common GMOs (like soybeans, corn and corn-based
products, and canola oil)

32. The bottom line
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are used around the world and have been in the food supply
since the 1990s. Many of the foods people eat include ingredients made from genetically modified crops. GMOs have many potential benefits, including making insect-resistant crops and different medications. Studies so far haven’t shown any definitive health risks associated with GMOs, but longer-term studies are needed. If you’re trying to avoid GMOs, new labeling laws will make it easier.


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